The A-OK Alpaca Blast-Off Show is excited to have a newly expanded edition of our Performance Show in 2024! Here’s an outline of the five events that are offered at our show:
Showmanship | Public Relations | Obstacle | Costume Class | Sunday Funday with the Judge |
The first three classes above count toward the possible Youth Performance Championship and Reserve Championship Awards that are dependent upon the number of entries in each age group.
The Costume Class and Sunday Funday with the Judge events, while optional, serve as excellent opportunities for all who choose to enter.
The first four above are open to both Youth and Adults.
You can find a complete list of rules and information for these three classes in the 2024 AOA Show System Handbook. This handbook is available for purchase from AOA, or you can read the PDF on the www.alpacainfo.com following the menu tree: Home/Competitions/Certified Alpaca Shows/ Show System Handbook & Resources and navigating to page 80. Please review the information on these pages! [Note that entrants must be at least 5 years of age.]
Here’s a brief description of each event:
Showmanship: The showmanship class is judged solely on the handler’s ability to prepare and present their alpaca at halter. The alpaca participates with the handler during the class to demonstrate the handler’s preparation and style of presenting their alpaca to the Judge for evaluation. The alpaca’s quality is not part of the judging. This class is judged on Appearance and Presentation.
Showmanship class placings will be based on accumulation of positive showing actions based on overall preparation and appearance, presentation and proper ring procedure. Scoring is from 0 to 100 points.
Public Relations:
The public relations class demonstrates a team effort between the handler and their alpaca through a variety of obstacles associated with public events, public appearances, or parades. The alpaca participates with the handler during the class to demonstrate its level of training, poise, and willingness to cooperate with its handler and is a partner in the handler’s score over the course. The alpaca’s quality is not part of the judging. The ideal performance consists of a poised and calm team that performs the required movements with promptness and willingness on a loose lead.
The junior youth course shall consist of eight total obstacles, with no more than three obstacles of medium difficulty and the remaining obstacles of easy difficulty. The intermediate and senior youth course shall consist of ten approved obstacles prepared for any combination of easy to medium difficulty. The intermediate and senior youth courses shall differ from the junior youth course by at least three obstacles. The youth public relations courses shall differ from the adult public relations course by at least four obstacles, which may be completely different obstacles or obstacles of increasing level of difficulty.
Each obstacle in the course is worth ten points. Any team that “breaks” the pattern or goes “off course” during their performance cannot place higher than teams who completed the course correctly. Repeating an obstacle is not considered breaking the pattern.
Obstacle: The obstacle class demonstrates a team effort between the handler and their alpaca through a variety of obstacles. The alpaca participates with the handler during the class to demonstrate its level of training and willingness to cooperate with its handler and is a partner in the score over the course. The alpaca’s quality is not part of the judging. The ideal performance consists of a poised and calm team that performs the required movements with promptness and willingness on a loose lead. There are mandatory obstacles for all obstacle classes except the Sub-junior youth class. Each obstacle in the course is worth 10 points. Any team that “breaks” the pattern or goes “off course” during their performance cannot place higher than teams which completed the course correctly. Repeating an obstacle is not considered breaking the pattern.
Costume Class: The Costume Class is a very entertaining class for the audience at a show, and the entrant must actively participate in the development of a costume for themselves. The class is judged on originality and complexity of costume. A short story handed to the Ring Steward and read by the announcer should describe the characters the exhibitor and alpaca are representing is to be prepared by the exhibitor. Additional information about this Fun Class can be found at https://www.alpacainfo.com/show/fun-classes
Sunday Funday with the Judge: The judge will provide some instructions on how the kids can better work with their animals. especially in areas where they are having difficulties getting them to participate. In addition, the Youth will play some fun games with their alpacas. This event is on Sunday morning. The instruction and information at the A-OK Show will be provided by our Performance Judge, Angie Grove.
Optional Training Available: Preparation and training opportunities for interested youth in Oklahoma will start several months before the Show. Coriann and Elleigh Taylor will provide hands on instruction at the Magnolia Blossom Ranch in Newcastle, OK. Other ranches may offer their own training, obstacles, and preparation at their locations; contact any that may be close to you to see if they offer such training. A-OK members and volunteers participating and assisting the coordinator, Terri Bates will meet at the Magnolia Blossom Ranch on a schedule TBD.
Show Fees
- Youth Performance: $20.00
- Adult Performance Price: $20.00
- Sunday Funday with the Judge: No Charge
Performance & Youth Event Sponsor
Want to register for the 2024 Show? Go to our Registration Page.
Want to sponsor a youth in the 2024 Contest? Contact an A-OK Member Farm that is closest to you to see if they can assist.