Our show runs on volunteers!

Click on the SignUpGenius Button above to volunteer your time at the show!
This year we have chosen to upgrade the volunteer sign-up process by utilizing a software package called SignUpGenius. Utilizing SignUpGenius will enable those that serve (or who are considering serving) to see:
1) for what position they have volunteered,
2) where they can sign up to volunteer for the first time—or add positions to their schedule at the show, and
3) how they can change their sign up.
If you need to, please contact Charles Ashley or Debbie Ashley for information about our volunteers that serve in many places including (but not limited to):
- Pen Set-Up
- Gate Steward
- Gate Helpers (Runners )
- Ring Steward
- Walking Fleece Clerk
- Performance Ring Set-Up (shown below)
- Ribbon distribution
- Harvest Banquet Set-Up / Break-Down
- Performance Ring Break-Down/Storage
- Pen Break-Down/Storage
- …and many other opportunities to serve!
- Check out our Facebook page too!
Don’t be afraid to volunteer! There are experienced people that will assist you if you need training. We have a lot of slots to fill to have a successful show!
Volunteers receive a T-Shirt (like one below) in addition to the exciting experiences of serving during our shows!

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