We are excited to offer the opportunity for vendors to display here at our Alpaca Shows. Our Event not only draws regionally from the Oklahoma City metro area, but also nationally as we have breeders that travel from all over the US—almost 20 this past year.
- Each Vendor space is $150.00
- This is a 10 x 10 space with a table and two chairs.
- You will be on hard concrete floor.
- Vendors cannot compete with or sell any food or drink items prepared at the venue (i.e., burgers, hotdogs, and cola drinks, etc.)
- Prepackaged items (like Jerky, etc.) are okay.
- To apply as a vendor, please submit the online application below. [Thanks for NOT registering via the Show’s online registration where the halter show, fleece show, etc. is. ]
- Vendor Registration Deadline is October 28, 2024!
- 1 Free Vendor Booth
- Preferred Booth location
- Vendor advertisement flyer/promo in show bag (Sponsor provides)
- Special recognition/announcements throughout the show
- Listing as a VENDOR SPONSOR on the A-OK Website with a link to your website
- Your Company logo on the sidebar of the A-OK Registration Website (Sponsor provides logo)
Please contact the Vendor Coordinator for details.

2024 A-OK Shows Vendor & Application Agreement
To: Alpacas of Oklahoma
(A-OK)/Show Committee:
I hereby apply as a vendor for the A-OK Alpaca Blast-Off & Rose Rock Re-Entry event (hereinafter, referred to as A-OK Shows).
Event Date: Saturday-Sunday, November 9-10, 2024.
Whereas, Alpacas of Oklahoma/A-OK Show Committee is the Organizer of the A-OK Alpaca Shows event held at the selected venue.

Navigate to Show Information page to learn more about the Show!
If you need help with the Vendor Registration process please Contact our Webmaster.