Check-In at the A-OK Shows
The Ethical Promotion of All Things Alpaca…

Checking in at the A-OK Shows is designed to be exhibitor-friendly and quick. It requires a little participation on your part to make everything run smoothly. Please familiarize yourself with these instructions.
Check-in Friday 10:00AM to 8:00PM
NOTE: If you realize that you will be late checking in on Friday night, please call/text Elizabeth (Buffy) Bernard at (618) 231-6007 to make arrangements for Vet Check and Color Check.
Have the following paperwork with you:
- *PRINTED PAPER* CVI—Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (Vet Health Papers) >>>with a copy for the show.<<< (You will retain the original.)
- PLEASE—print out and bring this form if you receive it from your vet electronically. We MUST have a printed copy for our files! Your link to an electronic copy will not suffice.
- These should include Microchip numbers or Ear Tag ID and BVDV test results including the Type of Testing – PCR or VI.
- This test MUST be a PCR type if done after 01/01/2010.
- If done prior to 01/01/2010, VI (Virus Isolation) is acceptable.
- Oklahoma does not require TB/Brucellosis testing for this show, however, your own state may require these tests for re-entry.
- The date of the CVI should be within 30 days of the end of the show.
- Copies of your AOA Registration Certificates – just in case
- Copy of your Exhibitor Disclosure Form – also just in case
- Permission To Show form(s) – if applicable
Check-In Procedure:
- Your destination is Grady County Fairgrounds, 500 E Choctaw Ave, Chickasha, OK 73018
- In order to facilitate correct traffic flow, please enter the Grady County Fairgrounds & Event Center at the northeast corner on US 277/US 62/OK Hwy 9 and follow the signs to Alpaca Check-In. (See map below)
- Once onto the Fairgrounds…
- Go past the Event Center (a few prior turns if taking either entrance)
- At the back/south side of the Event Center turn right to travel toward the back of the Indoor Arena which is the next building on your right.
- Stop at the covered awning (or in line with those before you) between the Indoor Area on your right and the Junior Arena on your left. (See map below.)
- NOTE: Please do not block the driveway between the Event Center and the Indoor Arena as there may be traffic needing to flow through after they have unloaded.

- A representative of your ranch should go into the large Arena door to the Check-In Area.
- Please have your paperwork with you!
- Identify your ranch.
- Alpacas will be Vet-checked on the trailer.
- Once Vet-checked, you will be given a Check-In Sheet. This is very important. You cannot get into the Arena without it.
- A Post-it note with your Ranch and driver’s cell phone should be placed inside your front window. Please do not remove this.
- A volunteer will direct you into the unloading areas on the west or east side of the Indoor Arena.
- Pull up to one of the large doors closest to your stalls, and unload.
- There will be a large stall map inside the arena at the back of the building near the vet check station.
- Volunteers with 4-wheel Gators will help you unload if needed. Please unload all your gear and your animals as quickly as possible.
- Once unloaded, pull your trailer to the designated trailer parking area of the facility.
- PLEASE—DO NOT SET UP YOUR STALLS UNTIL YOU HAVE REMOVED YOUR TRAILER FROM THE UNLOADING DOORWAYS. There simply is not enough room to leave unloaded trailers at the doorways.
- Stalling at the Blastoff is on concrete.
- Each stall will be provided with a bag of pelletized bedding.
- Stall mats are highly recommended to be placed on top of the bedding.
- Please bring your own mats.
- Please be sure to bring appropriate Gate Closures. A-OK does NOT provide these!
- As soon as you can, take your animals and the check-in sheet to Compliance Checking in the show ring.
- Once you have been Compliance-checked, exchange your pink sheet for your show numbers and exhibitor packet with the volunteer who is set up at Compliance Checking.
- You will also be asked to settle up any fees owed at this time.
- This must be done before you can obtain your Show numbers and packet.
- Numbers needing color/class change will be retained and returned to you once the new class is assigned. Listen for announcements!
- Biosecurity—You may wish to consider hanging a barrier such as a tarp or drape to minimize contact.
- Thanks for being nice to the volunteers. Remember, they are volunteers and we really need their help! Enjoy the show and we welcome any suggestions for making things better.
- Questions about this website may be addressed to our A-OK Webmaster:
Email Charles Ashley